Organising a religious funeral
When a loved one passes away, it’s important to think about the type of funeral they would have wanted. Every faith has traditions to help the family with the process of saying goodbye, we can help you to honour their beliefs in the right way. Most religions hold the funeral within a week, although Catholic funerals are usually within 3 three days. Islam, Judaism, and Hinduism tend to hold funerals much sooner, even within 24 hours.

a faith based funeral

Many faiths tend to favour burial over cremation, although this can be tailored to personal preference. One of the most common religious funerals we deal with are Christian funerals. We have always looked upon it as a honour and privilege that families choose us to look after their loved ones at this time of bereavement. We will prepare all essential documentation and communicate with all those necessary including doctors / clergy / newspapers / cemeteries / crematoria etc. We have Private Chapel of Rest facilities to give people the opportunity to visit loved ones if they wish to do so, and arrangements can be made by appointment.